This is intended as a place to share news and information about research related to our group's core mission.
Emancipations: A Journal of Critical Social Analysis
Emancipations is a peer-reviewed open access journal of critical social analysis, showcasing cutting-edge work committed to critical analysis of capitalism, broadly construed.
Anti-Politics: Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association
Established in 2013, the Anti-Politics specialist group is dedicated to providing a forum for researchers examining those processes throughout society that seem to have marginalised normative political debates and fostered an air of disengagement, disaffection and disinterest in politics.
Austerity and its Alternatives
This project brings together academic and non-academic researchers, institutions, and NGOs in Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, and Germany to stimulate greater conversations about alternatives to austerity. Our goal is to translate the research, data, and insights on austerity, its effects, and alternatives, so as to make that knowledge accessible and stimulate greater debate on austerity policies and politics.
Critical Political Economy Research Network of the European Sociological Network
The Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) was established in 2005 and is affiliated to the European Sociological Association (ESA). CPERN seeks to reassert the centrality of critical political economy perspectives, and to promote and facilitate research aimed at understanding (and subverting) recent transformations of capitalism and capitalist societies.
Caucus for a New Political Science
The Caucus for a New Political Science is an organization of political scientists united by the idea that political science as an academic discipline should be committed to advancing progressive political development. The caucus plays an active role in the affairs of the American Political Science Association through its role as the Organized Section for New Political Science. The caucus/section publishes a journal, New Political Science.
For Work/Against Work: Debates on the Centrality of Work
This online repository documents the debates “for and against” the centrality of work, the idea that work is at the centre of personal life and social organisation.
Emancipations: A Journal of Critical Social Analysis
Emancipations is a peer-reviewed open access journal of critical social analysis, showcasing cutting-edge work committed to critical analysis of capitalism, broadly construed.
Anti-Politics: Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association
Established in 2013, the Anti-Politics specialist group is dedicated to providing a forum for researchers examining those processes throughout society that seem to have marginalised normative political debates and fostered an air of disengagement, disaffection and disinterest in politics.
Austerity and its Alternatives
This project brings together academic and non-academic researchers, institutions, and NGOs in Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, and Germany to stimulate greater conversations about alternatives to austerity. Our goal is to translate the research, data, and insights on austerity, its effects, and alternatives, so as to make that knowledge accessible and stimulate greater debate on austerity policies and politics.
Critical Political Economy Research Network of the European Sociological Network
The Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) was established in 2005 and is affiliated to the European Sociological Association (ESA). CPERN seeks to reassert the centrality of critical political economy perspectives, and to promote and facilitate research aimed at understanding (and subverting) recent transformations of capitalism and capitalist societies.
Caucus for a New Political Science
The Caucus for a New Political Science is an organization of political scientists united by the idea that political science as an academic discipline should be committed to advancing progressive political development. The caucus plays an active role in the affairs of the American Political Science Association through its role as the Organized Section for New Political Science. The caucus/section publishes a journal, New Political Science.
For Work/Against Work: Debates on the Centrality of Work
This online repository documents the debates “for and against” the centrality of work, the idea that work is at the centre of personal life and social organisation.