Image credit: Prudence Maltby "4 a.m." (2016). Used with artist's permission.
What we do
The eruption of anti-establishment protests in the decade that followed the economic crisis of 2008-2009 has put an end to the neoliberal hegemony without uprooting the policy set and the dominant political mentalities which enable neoliberal capitalism. This situation creates an opening for the urgent critique of capitalism and the articulation of alternative socio-political imaginaries. The International Political Science Association's Research Committee on Socialism, Capitalism and Democracy aims to provide a forum for discussion and collective work among political scientists interested in capitalism and its alternatives; it has set itself the task to foster politically-relevant work able to affect policy change. We welcome both empirically and theoretically-oriented research.
Click here for recent and forthcoming publications by our members.
Click here for our call for proposals for the IPSA World Congress in Lisbon, 2020
Click here for more information about our forthcoming book, Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy: Critical Debates
Click here for recent and forthcoming publications by our members.
Click here for our call for proposals for the IPSA World Congress in Lisbon, 2020
Click here for more information about our forthcoming book, Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy: Critical Debates
Image credit: Prudence Maltby, "The Charter" (inks and goldleaf on vellum). Used with artist's permission.

Who we are
We are over 100 political scientists from around the world interested in capitalism and its alternatives. We are led by an executive committee of 7 members.
Click here for more information about our members and how to become one.
Click here to find out about our executive committee.
Image credit: Prudence Maltby "Dummy 1". Used with artist's permission.
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you! For more information, email the Research Committee chair, James Chamberlain: [email protected]